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Conditions To Look Out For That Make Me A Candidate For Full Mouth Reconstructions In Greenacres, FL

an image of a woman smiling.

Full mouth reconstructions are comprehensive procedure plans that are designed to address multiple dental health issues simultaneously. A full mouth reconstruction procedure usually involves tooth crown, dental bridges, porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, occlusal adjustments, orthodontics, Invisalign®, or dental implant procedures. There are numerous conditions that make people candidates for full mouth reconstructions in Greenacres, FL.

Ready to learn about the conditions that make people candidates for full mouth reconstructions? Here is what they are.

Which Conditions Make Me A Candidate For Full Mouth Reconstructions In Greenacres, FL?

There are numerous conditions that make people candidates for full mouth reconstructions. The conditions that make people candidates for full mouth reconstructions will vary from person to person, since everyone’s smile is unique. The following are the specific types of conditions that make people candidates for full mouth reconstructions:

Extensive Gum Disease

Extensive gum disease is a significant condition that might make people candidates for full mouth reconstructions. Gum disease, or periodontitis, if left untreated, not only leads to tooth loss, but it can also damage the bone structure supporting teeth. Full mouth reconstruction procedures will address these issues.

Dental Decay

Dental decay or severe cavities are another condition that may necessitate a full mouth reconstruction procedure. Extensive tooth decay can significantly weaken people’s teeth, leading them to have dental discomfort or infections. At its worst, tooth decay can lead to tooth loss.

Multiple Failing Teeth

Having multiple failing teeth is another prominent condition that makes people a suitable candidate for full mouth reconstructions. Failing teeth could be due to trauma, decay, or genetic factors, and they often result in difficulties with eating, speaking, and maintaining a healthy oral environment.

Multiple Missing Teeth

Having multiple missing teeth is another fundamental condition that qualifies people for full mouth reconstructions. When people have missing teeth, it significantly impacts their ability to chew and speak properly. It also compromises the aesthetics of their smile, and may lead to the loss of bone structure in their jaw.

Severely Worn Or Broken Teeth

Having severely worn or broken teeth is another critical condition that can make people a candidate for full mouth reconstructions. Teeth might become severely worn due to long-term acid erosion (from foods, beverages, or acid reflux) or tooth grinding, a condition known as bruxism.


Broken teeth, on the other hand, are often the result of dental trauma or a consequence of untreated tooth decay. Both severely worn or broken teeth can cause significant discomfort to people, negatively impacting their overall dental functionality.

Jaw Pain And TMJ Disorder

Without a doubt, jaw pain and TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) disorders are conditions that make people candidates for full mouth reconstructions. The temporomandibular joint acts like a sliding hinge, connecting their jawbone to their skull. Dysfunction in this joint can lead to pain, discomfort, and a host of other issues such as difficulty chewing, having a clicking or locking jaw joint, and even changes in the way their teeth fit together.

Dental Trauma

Dental trauma is indeed a condition that makes people candidates for full mouth reconstructions. Dental trauma may result from accidents, sports injuries, falls, or even violent confrontations, leading to chipped, broken, or knocked-out teeth.


Such traumatic experiences can drastically affect people’s oral functionality and aesthetics, making everyday tasks like eating and speaking difficult. Additionally, dental trauma can also cause unseen damage to the underlying bone structure.


By going to a skilled and trusted dental professional’s office, full mouth reconstruction candidates can get the procedures they need to restore the look, function, and health of their smile for years to come.

See Us Now So We Can Determine Your Candidacy For Full Mouth Reconstructions

Ready to determine your candidacy for restorative full mouth reconstruction procedures? Our caring and advanced office can help you get the new and improved smile of your dreams. Don’t hesitate to improve your smile with us. Get in contact with Dr. Brian Ferber, Dr. Sharon Ferber, Dr. Mindy Shafer, Dr. Deepali Jethwa, Dr. Fatemeh Gholami, and our exceptional team at our Ferber Dental Group office to schedule an appointment today!