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Dental Implants in Boca Raton | What You May Not Know About Implants

You’ve probably heard about dental implants by now and you may be contemplating getting one (if you have missing teeth, of course). They offer superior alternatives to dentures and bridges for people who have lost their teeth. However, if you have never investigated this teeth replacement option, you may not know what dental implants in Boca Raton can offer you.

How Dental Implants Differ from Other Tooth Loss Options

For some, losing a tooth may not seem like a big deal at all especially if it’s from a part of the mouth where few people can see. However, tooth roots can affect the health of your jawbone. If you lose several teeth, your jawbone dissolves. Dental implants help prevent jawbone loss as they are placed in the bone, stimulates it, and prevent jawbone shrinkage.When the jawbone shrinks due to missing several teeth, the face begins to collapse. Without the support of jawbone and teeth, the cheeks look hollow, the lips pucker, and the distance between your nose and mouth declines. This will make you look older.

How Are Dental Implants Stronger Than Natural Teeth?

According to the Official Journal of the Academy of Osseointegration, the reason why dental implants have the potential of being stronger than your natural teeth is that 4 to 6 dental implants can do the job of 16 missing natural teeth. However, the post goes on to explain that additional research is still required to conclude this statement.

Dental Implants and Dentures — Which One is More Comfortable?

Dentures can slip when talking or eating and even fall out because they merely rest on top of your gums. But for dental implants, there’s no need to worry about the possibility of these from happening as they are embedded into your jawbone. Another benefit is that they look and feel more like your natural teeth without the awkwardness of dentures.

who offers the best dental implants in Boca Raton?

Interested in Dental Implants in Boca Raton?

Our team at Ferber Dental Group has been providing our patients with dental implants in Boca Raton for decades now and have experienced oral surgeons for the procedure. To learn more about us and our services, contact us today!