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How Do I Care for My Teeth Following Oral Surgery?

As provided by statistics, an average American will lose at least 12 of their teeth upon reaching the age of 60; hence, the need for dental implants in Boca Raton. Below are the few of the many guidelines you can take note if you had a dental implants treatment.

Basic Dental Implants Aftercare
Oral Hygiene
It can never be overemphasized that whenever you have a dental problem or had undergone any dental treatment, good oral hygiene must be observed. Professionals that perform treatments on dental implants provide that maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for the success of any dental surgery. The common don’ts to improve your oral health are:
- Don’t consume alcohol immediately after or 2 weeks after your surgery since it can impair the fast healing mechanism of your gums.
- Don’t try to water-pick or floss anywhere near your surgery site within a week from your treatment.
- Don’t use an electric or water jet toothbrush to clean your teeth. Instead, opt for a traditional brush so you can control the pressure when brushing your teeth.
- Don’t smoke until the surgical site has fully healed.
When you undergo dental implants, you will experience a bit of pain, discomfort, or swelling. You can deal with this concern by placing an ice pack on your cheek near the surgical site. If swelling and bruising persists after a few days of applying home remedies, you can revisit your dentist and inquire if there are any medications available to treat the swelling and bruising.

Follow Up Your Dental Implants in Boca Raton
After you had your dental implants done, we suggest that you regularly visit your dentist at least once every three months. By this, you will be reassured that your implants are kept clean and decrease the risk of further inflammation and infection. Book an appointment with us today!