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Dental Implants in West Palm Beach | Benefits of a One Day Smile

Are you worried that dental implants take too much time? At Ferber Dental, we offer One Day Smiles to give you a quality smile in quality time. Keep reading to learn more about your dental implants in West Palm Beach experts!What It IsFor starters, One Day Smiles is an innovative way for you to get quicker, secure dental implants! This is because loose dentures do not have the stability and security for daily activities such as chewing. This eliminates the embarrassment that you may have with failing or missing teeth.How We Do ItMoving forward, your One Day Smile requires less implants than traditional loose dentures. In fact, your dental bridge will be reinforced by as little as four dental implants. Typically, bone grafting is used to carry out dental implant procedure. However, One Day Smiles does not require the latter because this treatment allows the bone to have significant stability.The implants are specially tilted in order to create maximum support for both the implants and the replacement teeth.

What a One Day Smile Gets You:
- Shorter recovery time
- Permanent results
- Cost-effective
-the fewer the implants, the lower the cost (only 4 needed)
- Clinically proven long-term results
- Improved oral hygiene
- For individuals who are experiencing bone loss
After getting One Day Smiles, the recovery period is quicker than traditional dental implant procedures. As a result, you will have permanent fully functioning teeth in just a few hours!Contact Your Specialist for Dental Implants in West Palm Beach!Last but not least, Ferber Dental knows the importance of having a vibrant smile. That’s why our One Day Smiles are the perfect solution to regain the confidence you’ve always wanted. Contact your experts for dental implants in West Palm Beach today!