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Invisalign West Palm Beach | What You Need to Know About Invisalign i7

Invisalign West Palm Beach is a contemporary solution to the traditional metal braces. It is composed of a multi-layer aromatic thermoplastic material and molded as a removable tray custom-made to perfectly fit your mouth. Likewise, Invisalign aligners have four types: Invisalign Teen, Invisalign i7, Invisalign Lite, and Invisalign Full.

Everything You Need to Know About Invisalign i7
Who Are The Candidates?
Invisalign i7 is a technological advancement in the world of dentistry to provide patients with another viable alternative to realign their teeth. It is the ideal solution for patients who only need minor teeth correction. This type of Invisalign can be availed by both adults and teenagers. Additionally, Invisalign i7 can fix that annoying cracked, crooked, or slightly overcrowding front teeth. Moreso, it can treat misaligned teeth by providing a series of removable and nearly invisible aligners that you can pop in or out of your mouth without any hassle.
Ways on How It Promotes Individualized Care
Unlike other types of Invisalign, Invisalign i7 has a shorter treatment period. Despite the short span of treatment, it is just as effective as the other types of Invisalign. It gently puts pressure on your tooth to efficiently realign your teeth without having to experience a huge amount of pain. Each set is often used for only 2 weeks. After this, you’ll be given a new set of aligners. With Invisalign i7, you are given fewer sets as compared to other types of Invisalign in order to speed up the treatment. One of the best parts about Invisalign i7 is that it can be custom-made to your individual needs. Your orthodontist uses 3D imaging that allows you to make a personal treatment plan.

Curious About the Other Types of Invisalign West Palm Beach?
Leaning towards choosing Invisalign i7? Don’t be in a hurry since every case is different. Consult our experienced dentists first before choosing an Invisalign.