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Dental Crowns in West Palm Beach | Dental Crown Issues to Be Aware of

A dental crown is a common dental restoration that can be used to help a variety of dental issues. However, with any dental restoration, it’s important to be aware of issues that could occur so that you can take the proper precautions. Below are three complications that could occur with your dental crown. If you are in need of dental crowns in West Palm Beach, contact our office today!

Your Crown is Uncomfortable
After your crown is first placed, you might feel some sensitivity or discomfort. This is especially true when coming in contact with hot or cold food or beverages. Consider using a toothpaste specifically for sensitive teeth in the beginning to ease some of the discomforts.
Your Crown Becomes Chipped
Even though crowns are durable, some porcelain crowns might become chipped over time. If the chip is minor, a composite resin may be able to repair the tooth. However, if the chip is too large, the whole crown might need to be replaced.
A Crown Falls out
Your crown could fall out due to your underlying tooth decaying, and the cement becoming loose. If your crown falls out, contact your dentist immediately for exact instructions on how to care for your tooth and to make plans for replacement options.
Are You in Need of Dental Crowns in West Palm Beach?
Are you in need of a dental crown? Contact Ferber Dental Group today! Our experienced and dedicated team can assist you with any of your dental needs, including a damaged crown! Call our office today for more information on our services and procedures.