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Dental Implants in Boca Raton | Are You a Dental Implant Candidate?

Dental Implants in Boca Raton have actually remodeled the field of dentistry by allowing tooth replacements without damaging the real teeth. It is made of titanium metal posts that act as a new artificial tooth. Dental implants are done by injecting local anesthesia or taking an oral pill. After an hour when the anesthesia already takes effect, the implant will replace the damaged, missing, or lost tooth.

How Would You Know If You’re a Dental Implant Candidate?
Have Lost or Missing Tooth
Since dental implants are the ideal solution to tooth replacements, individuals who have lost or missing teeth are the perfect candidates for it. Some of the most common factors that aid in determining whether a person needs dental implants include:
- Not using tobacco
- Sufficient bone support to anchor the implants
- Satisfactory health for surgery
- No gum disease
If you meet the list of criteria, dental implants are a worthwhile solution to your dental issue. However, if you don’t meet the criteria there always steps to increase or improve your chances of availing such treatment.
Individuals Who Have Poor Health
If you have untreated diabetes or gum disease, regularly smoke and drink alcohol, or have cancer, there is a high probability that dental implants will not be a success. Nonetheless, you can still be a candidate if you only have one of these diseases. You will be fully assessed by your dentist whether your overall health can endure the treatment. Also, if you take drugs or steroids that overpower the immune system may not be viable candidates. Likewise, if you have a habit of constantly clenching or grinding your teeth, dental implants are definitely not for you since it will only lead to a long-term injury.

Dental Implants in Boca Raton Have a High Success Rate
If you’re considering implants, we can thoroughly assess your situation. Contact Ferber Dental Group to schedule an appointment!