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Dental Implants in West Palm Beach | The Different Types of Dental Implants

If you recently lost a tooth or several teeth it is highly likely that your dentist will recommend you get Dental Implants in West Palm Beach. Why dental implants? Well, when it comes to tooth replacement, dental implants are the preferred choice by millions of Americans despite the availability of other tooth replacement procedures because dental implants are extremely durable. They offer outstanding stability and support, but more importantly, dental implants have a 98% success rate.
Endosteal Dental Implants
Endosteal dental implants are by far the most highly in demand. Endosteal implants are perfect for patients who have a healthy jawbone from where the titanium posts will fuse. These posts are shaped like screws and are surgically implanted into your jawbone where your false teeth will be attached and fitted to. When the site has completely healed, the replacement teeth can be attached to the post. If this is not something you would like, then perhaps the second option is for you.
Subperiosteal Dental Implants
The other alternative to endosteal implants is subperiosteal implants. In this type of dental implant, the titanium posts sit atop the bone instead of being implanted in the bone, but they are still placed underneath the gums. When the gums surrounding the posts heal, it will secure it in place. The replacement teeth are attached to the poles that come from the gums. This type of dental implants is recommended for patients who do not have a strong bone to support the titanium posts, but it can also be an option for patients who do not like to go through an intensive surgery.
Zygomatic Implants
The least common of all are your zygomatic implants. The reason why it’s not as popular as the two is because the procedure is quite complicated, and it’s only done if you do not have sufficient jawbone to support the implant. Also, instead of placing the posts in your jawbone, for this procedure, they are placed in your cheekbone.

Looking for Information About Dental Implants in West Palm Beach?
The best person to ask on the type of Dental Implants in West Palm Beach is suited for you is your dentist. At Ferber Dental Group, we offer excellent dental care that won’t cost you a fortune. Call us today for an appointment.